Thursday, October 16, 2008 Somalia: Islamist Leader Backs Rival Leader's Replacement (Page 1 of 1) Somalia: Islamist Leader Backs Rival Leader's Replacement (Page 1 of 1): "Somalia: Islamist Leader Backs Rival Leader's Replacement

Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)

15 October 2008
Posted to the web 15 October 2008

Abdinasir Moh-Guled

A senior Somali Islamist opposition leader sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys has supported the firing of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed as the chairman of the Islamic courts union.

Speaking to Shabelle radio by phone from Eritrean capital Asmara Sheikh Aweys has accused Sheikh Sharif of rerouting of the UIC's system.

'We (UIC)_want to be on the way of the straight way of the Islamic courts union, Sharif left the promises of the Islamic courts so it was needed to fire him' said Aweys, 62, who is wanted by Washington for suspected links to Al-Qaeda.

In the recent times UIC's officials came to view of disagreement that caused them to separate several sides including those based in Djibouti and second group based in Asmara while the third groups based in Mogadishu.

Aweys's remarks come following a delegation from Eritrea based UIC group arrived in Mogadishu and announced at a press conference that the group elected Sheikh Omar Iman as the new chairman, replacing Sh"

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